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What Survives

Time works like a sieve.

Letting through only the best creations to survive posterity.

The majority of art, literature and media exists only for the present day, but a miniscule minority gets carried and perpetuated forward through time. What kind of book must be written, or film directed, or music recorded, such that it gets passed from parent to child, teacher to student across dozens of generations, withstanding all time, despite the noisy, ever-shifting local Zeitgeist?

Every time we read a story, we either forget it or pass it on - perhaps based on how deeply it resonates with the stories we already tell ourselves.

Culture is fluid: it warps and shifts like water's surface, but the essence of humanity in its depths remains the same.

And any creation that survives time's sieve offers us a glimpse into what transcends culture - a window into the unchanging essence of humanity itself.